Art making allows me to disappear, where I give away all my identities for the moment of truth I was in. When I become nobody and nothing, I am truly free, free to experience and explore the ever changing life as it is.
The Yu journal is a daily ritual of self-inquiry to empower each individual on our unique journey to decondition, from who we think we are,to who we truly are for ourselves.
Yu 记录了我一年每日的自我探究仪 式,在此分享,希望能帮助每一个独一无二的你,看清自己被套下的定义,做回最真实的自我。
Art making is a meditative process where time becomes ashes, dissolving into air; me becomes an insignificant concept dusting into the space; life becomes a mystical play wondering into the moment of breathe.
艺术创作本身,就是冥想修行的过程 : 时间逝去成灰烬,‘我’ 化为这空间中那缕微不足道的尘埃,生命上演的神秘剧本,揭晓于这一瞬间的呼吸中。
“The Unknown in-between Breath” Project
How does unknown encounter the impermanence of time, space and human? What’s dying and regenerating in-between every breathe?
My journal, the Daily Whisper, is a chance to pause — to connect and restore my inner landscape of what I am germinating, what is ready to be harvested, and what is willing to be decomposed for nurturing new seeds.
我的日记,每日耳语,是一个暂停的契机 :链接自我的内在风景, 什么是此刻正在发芽的,什么是等待着被收获的,什么是已在分解消逝,留出位置来培育新种子的万千可能。