About Nanxi
关于 南希
Art making allows me to disappear, where I give away all my identities for the moment of truth I was in. When I become nobody and nothing, I am truly free, free to experience and explore the ever changing life as it is.
Breathe moves through me in between lines, where all past and future dissolve into this moment of unknown. Unknown is the most exciting mystery to be revealed in my art processing. I have no where to go, but to follow where unknowns takes me to; I have nobody to be, but to follow whoever is evolving through the moment to moment response; I have no agenda to do anything, but to just be here letting what moves through me move through me.
艺术创作让我无需存在,允许我 放弃所有的身份,等待我 回味此刻的真实。当我什么也不是,什么也不需要是,谁也不用去成为,就真正的自由了,体验生命,探索每一个当下的独一无二,享受只属于自己的存在,接纳一切的逝去和归来。
呼吸在字里行间穿越我,所有过去和未来都融入这个未知的当下。未知是创作中最令人兴奋的谜团,因为我无处可去,只能跟随未知前行; 我无需再为任何人而存在包括自己,而是跟随着不断变换着的艺术瞬间,而被重组重塑重生; 不为而为之。